Rainbow Lake


Rainbow Lake News

Water Resources Outlook for September 2023

National Weather Service

Date: 9/21/2023

Southeast River Forecast Center Water Resources Outlook for September 2023 addressing flooding and drought issues across the southeast U.S

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Water Resources Outlook (March 2023)

Todd Hamill

Date: 3/20/2023

Water Resources Outlook for March

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Is Your Boat’s Long Winter Nap Going Well?

BoatUS News

Date: 1/1/2023

SPRINGFIELD, VA., Jan. 24, 2022 – Storms have hammered the U.S., and many recreational boats are sleeping away the winter under a layer of ice and snow. If you store your boat outside and haven’t checked up on her lately, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) has five tips for a midwinter

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What Every Boater Wants for the Holidays: 24/7 On-Water Assistance from TowBoatUS

BoatUS News

Date: 11/14/2022

Gadgets may make good holiday gifts. However, for a boater, having 24/7 on-the-water help just a call away is much better. Like belonging to an auto club for recreational boat owners, a BoatUS Unlimited Towing Membership provides professional on-water towing services by the TowBoatUS fleet - the nation’s largest

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What Did We Name Our Boats in 2022? Top 10 Boat Names List

BoatUS News

Date: 11/11/2022

Now that recreational boating is coming to a close in much of the country, BoatUS takes a look back at the Top 10 boat names ordered this season through its online boat graphics service and provides some commentary. Andiamo: Meaning “let’s go / we go / come on” in Italian, Andiamo remains in the

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6:37:51 PM
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• Surface Area: 116 Acres
• Volume: 800 Acre Feet
• Drainage Area: 83 Square Miles
• Average Depth: 7 Feet
By damming Walnut Creek in 1903, Mormon settlers created Rainbow Lake. Eventually, the settlement grew into a community called Lakeside, incorporated in 1986 as the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside. Rainbow Lake now lies just outside the boundaries of the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside; but is intimately connected with the area because of Walnut Creek, which runs through three lakes (in downstream order) in the area - Woodland Park Lake (owned by the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside); Rainbow Lake and the privately owned Lake of the Woods. Rainbow Lake is mostly surrounded by homes, including the private HOA Shores at Rainbow Lake on the southeast side. Arizona Game and Fish maintains a Public Landing on the northwest side of the lake allowing access for fishing, boating, swimming, bird watching or just enjoying the outdoors.
In past years, Rainbow Lake has had a significant problem with invasive aquatic weeds, particularly the Eurasian Milfoil. Efforts by the local volunteer group Show Low Creek Watershed Enhancement Partnership (SLCWEP), in conjunction with the Little Colorado River Plateau RC&D, resulted in a systemic herbicide treatment of the lake in the summer and fall of 2011. The results were not as good as hoped, with the coontail weed rapidly replacing the milfoil in the lake. Long term efforts of the Rainbow Lake Coalition (a subcommitte of the SLCWEP) are now focused on the introduction of sterile white Amur carp, which have been proven to control milfoil for up to 10 years. Arizona Game and Fish requires mediation to ensure that the carp, a non-native fish, are prevented from escaping Rainbow Lake and potentially invading other water bodies. The Rainbow Lake Coalition is now working to design and construct a fish barrier on Walnut Creek below Lake of the Woods, who have used the carp for weed control for many years.
Rainbow Lake was built as a storage facility for the Pinetop-Woodland Lake Irrigation Company, who own all the water in the lake to be used for irrigation purposes. The water levels in the lake vary widely, depending on the season, rainfall and the needs of the irrigation company. In 1998, the Show Low Irrigation Company and the Pinetop-Woodland Irrigation Company merged; however, the land under the lake (to the "high water mark") is still owned by the Irrigation company as well as all the water. The public landing, which is managed by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, is located on in Navajo County near Lakeside at 6,760 feet. The land surrounding the lake is privately owned and not generally accessible to the public; however, the Department owns a small parcel of land on the lake used as a Public Landing and maintains it for public fishing and recreational boating.
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